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(点击上方关注键盘侠,获悉更多有趣资讯。) NBA西部季后赛,洛杉矶湖人队和丹佛掘金队之间的西部决赛将于北京时间5月17日开打。今日,美国Reddit论坛开贴投票讨论哪支球队将最终冲出西部,进军总决赛。截至投稿,掘金队投票领先湖人。 [–]Lakersthaiteawhitey 8 points 6 hours ago Someone send this poll result to LeBron 湖人球迷:来人啊!把这个投票结果发给老詹看看那!!


[–]Nuggetssteve1186 4 points 2 hours ago Home court advantage is huge in this series. Nuggets are 39-3 at home this season/postseason when Jokic plays 掘金球迷:主场优势将在西决起到关键作用!当约基奇在场时,掘金本赛季主场战绩(常规赛+季后赛)可是39胜3负哦~~ [–]Bulls4Chi1ne 4 points 40 minutes ago I reckon it will go 6 or 7 regardless. The Nuggets are really good but I’ve learnt not to doubt Lebron James over the years 公牛球迷:我估计这个系列赛会打到6-7场~掘金队确实非常强,但是这十几年的经验告诉我,怀疑勒布朗-詹姆斯这种想法可千万要不得啊! [–]cad_internet 3 points 5 hours ago My heart wants the Nuggets to win. However, my brain tells me to never bet against Lebron. The Lakers are so much better than they were at the start of the season. AR, DS, Rui, Lonnie, have all played big in the playoffs 球迷:我的感性希望掘金能赢下这个系列赛,但是我的理性说,永远不要和勒布朗作对!这支湖人队比赛季初的时候可强得太多了啊!里夫斯、施罗德、八村塁、以及朗尼-沃克在这次季后赛都发挥得相当出色!! [–]bearcat-- 105 points 7 hours ago I would not count the lakers out, they have a balanced scoring team with solid defense. Every dude can chip in. I really want jokic to win lol 球迷:是啊,我也不会低估湖人,他们进攻相当均衡,防守也很不错,而且每个人都能站出来!虽然我真的很希望约基奇能赢,哈哈哈~~ [–]Bullswhispersluggagebaby 61 points 6 hours ago They also have that Lebron guy, guy 公牛球迷:没错,而且湖人还有那个叫勒布朗的家伙,同志们啊!! [–]ragner11 14 points 8 hours ago Lakers, people keep underestimating Lakers and Lebron. 球迷:我选湖人!大家老是不把湖人和勒布朗放在眼里! [–]Lakerstrevorturtle 14 points 6 hours ago Lakers were not favored against the Grizzlies or the Warriors 湖人球迷:对啊!打灰熊和勇士的时候,湖人都是不被看好的一方~ 新闻链接>>>>>>不太靠谱?ESPN专家团预测湖勇系列赛:14人中12人预测勇士晋级 [–]CavaliersBishopTheKid25 [score hidden] 30 minutes ago Heart says:Lakers in 7 Brain says:Nuggets in 5 骑士球迷: 我的感性说:湖人7场晋级 我的理性说:掘金5场晋级 [–]LakersTherealdealishere99 110 points 7 hours ago* The injury no bench suns took 2 games and you think LeBron will loose in 5 湖人球迷:楼上的大哥啊,连那支替补CBA的病秧子太阳队都能赢掘金两场,你觉得老詹会在第5场就被干掉吗? [–]Lakers Bandwagondiegojaen18 200 points 7 hours ago D book and kd went ballistic 湖人球迷:对啊,而且还是靠布克和杜兰特开了无敌和无限火力才赢了两场呢~ [–]Kings BandwagonExodus100 20 points 38 minutes ago Nuggets in 6 国王球迷:掘金6场晋级! [–]LakersHenryPurcell [score hidden] 9 minutes ago Good point, but have you considered maybe, Lakers in 6? 湖人球迷:楼上说得好!但是你有没有想过,有没有可能是湖人6场晋级呢? [–]wjackson42 17 points 36 minutes ago The discourse on this series is gonna be stupid no matter what. If the Nuggets win, LeBron is a fraud despite the fact they lost to the 1 seed and beat the 2 seed and defending champs to get there. If the Lakers win, it’s because the NBA is rigged despite the Lakers playing better than what their seed would suggest, especially on the defensive side of the ball. 球迷:不管这个系列赛的结果怎么样,我敢说球迷的评论都会蠢到没眼看~~如果掘金赢下系列赛,他们会说老詹就是个假把式,他们才不管湖人输给的是联盟一号种子,而且之前还先后击败了西部第二以及卫冕冠军呢!而如果是湖人赢了,他们又会说比赛是被联盟操控的,压根就不管比赛是怎么打的,他们假装看不见湖人打得比排名看上去好得多,尤其是在防守端~ [–]CavaliersApatheticDomination [score hidden] 9 minutes ago I don’t think anyone with a brain is disrespecting the Nuggets. 骑士球迷:我觉得任何一个稍微带点脑子的人,都不会不把掘金放在眼里的~~ [–]NuggetsFate_Unseen [score hidden] 8 minutes ago Unfortunately, those without brains still find a way to post with alarming regularity! Almost like zombies 掘金球迷:可惜啊,无脑之人他们思维僵直、自说自话,行为规律都惊人相似,简直和僵尸一毛一样… [–]Lakersweekndalex 30 points 8 hours ago nuggets in 4 湖人球迷:掘金4场晋级! [–]Lakersv399 25 points 7 hours ago Et tu, Brute? 湖人球迷:嗯?不是吧楼上的大哥~~你搁这儿玩儿无间道呢? [–]LakersPLCwithoutP 4 points 5 hours ago Shhhh don't jinx this jinx 湖人球迷:嘘~~~~不要破坏那位仁兄做法啊~~~ [–]Eastlockflop [score hidden] 32 minutes ago Lakers in 6 Lebron's experience will be the deciding factor in this series 球迷:湖人6场晋级!老詹的经验会成为这个系列赛的决定性因素! [–]Rocketskevtheproblem 3 points 44 minutes ago Nuggets. Thomas Bryant revenge series. 火箭球迷:我选掘金晋级!这是托马斯-布莱恩特的复仇之战! [–]Nuggetsnoscope360widow [score hidden] 40 minutes ago He's going to outcheer the Lakers bench so fucking hard 掘金球迷:没错!他将以碾压湖人替补席的挥毛巾表现,带领掘金晋级!! (大家还记得在老詹打破历史得分纪录的瞬间,还斗胆张手要球的托马斯-布莱恩特吗?) [–]Warriorslolkh30 2 points 45 minutes ago I hope the nuggets win but its close 勇士球迷:老实说,我希望掘金晋级的,不过双方真的是势均力敌啊~~ [–]Knicks BandwagonCaptainButtFucker 2 points 50 minutes ago Lakers will sweep. 尼克斯球迷:大胆点!湖人将4-0横扫掘金!! [–]LakersG1Spectrum [score hidden] 38 minutes ago No fucking way man LOL 湖人球迷:别开玩笑啦!不可能哒~~~哈哈哈哈 [–]Lakerstangential_quip [score hidden] 34 minutes ago Don't put that on us 湖人球迷:是啊是啊,别他妈奶我们啊!! [–]Lakersking2nd23 [score hidden] 37 minutes ago Both teams have depth. AD and Jokic is going to be a hell of a match up. I’m thinking it’ll be a dominant Lebron series. Lakers in 5 is my biased prediction 湖人球迷:两支球队都很有深度!浓眉和约基奇的对位简直会要人老命啊!而且我觉得老詹将要统治这个系列赛!!我稍微带点私心哈~湖人5场晋级! [–]Sixers BandwagonRonshol [score hidden] 33 minutes ago* Nuggets rolling the hospital Suns isn't as impressive as everyone thinks. Lakers in 6! 76人球迷:掘金队干掉医院病号代表队太阳队,没啥了不起的,大家有目共睹!所以,湖人6场晋级!! [–]Attila226 [score hidden] 28 minutes ago On paper the Nuggets should win, but I’m going with LebBron and the Lakers 球迷:纸面实力上看,掘金更强!不过我选老詹和湖人队! [–]KnicksAcrobatic-Reaction-7 27 points 52 minutes ago Really want the nuggets to win to see some fresh faces in the finals. 尼克斯球迷:掘金晋级吧,真的想在总决赛看到点新鲜面孔了~~~ [–]76ersLos_Ingobernablez [score hidden] 6 minutes ago The finals is basically when LeBron’s real season begins. 76人球迷:楼上的奶衣服啊~~你以为老詹的赛季快结束了吗,其实他都是进了总决赛才开始玩真的呢~~~ 来源:Reddit 编译:河浪端


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